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Branches of Science & Related Field

Different Branches of Science & their Concerned Field

Numbering : From 51 -to- 100

Branch Field
Iconography Teachings by pictures and models.
Immunology Science which deals with the study of resistance of organisms against infection.
Jurisprudence Science of law.
Kalology Study of human beauty.
Lexicography Compiling of dictionary.
Marine Biology The study of animal and plant life within saltwater ecosystems
Mathematics A science dealing with the logic of quantity and shape and arrangement
Medicine The science concerned with maintaining health and restoring it by treating disease
Meteorology Study of the atmosphere that focuses on weather processes and forecasting
Microbiology The study of microorganisms, including viruses, prokaryotes and simple eukaryotes
Mineralogy The study of the chemistry, crystal structure, and physical (including optical) properties of minerals
Molecular Biology The study of biology at a molecular level
Mycology Study of fungi.
Myology Study of muscles.
Nephrology Study of kidneys.
Neurology The branch of medicine dealing with the nervous system and its disorders
Nuclear Physics The branch of physics concerned with the nucleus of the atom
Numismatics Study of coins and medals.
Obstetrics Branch of medicine dealing with pregnancy.
Oceanography Study of the earth’s oceans and their interlinked ecosystems and chemical and physical processes
Omithology Study of birds.
Oneirology Study of dreams.
Ophthalmology Study of eyes .
Organic Chemistry The branch of chemistry dedicated to the study of the structures, synthesis, and reactions of carbon-containing compounds
Ornithology The study of birds
Osteology Study of bones.
Paleontology The study of life-forms existing in former geological time periods
Pathology Study of disease causing organisms.
Pedology Stydy of soils.
Petrology The geological and chemical study of rocks
Philately Stamp collecting.
Philology Study of languages.
Phonetics Concerning the sounds of a language.
Phycology Study of algae.
Physics The study of the behavior and properties of matter
Physiography Natural phenomenon.
Physiology The study of the mechanical, physical, and biochemical functions of living organisms
Pisciculture Study of fish.
Pomology Study of fruits.
Psychology Study of the mind and behaviour
Radiology The branch of medicine dealing with the applications of radiant energy, including x-rays and radioisotopes
Seismology The study of earthquakes and the movement of waves through the earth
Sericulture Silk industry(culture of silk moth and pupa).
Serpentology Study of snakes.
Taxonomy The science of classification of animals and plants
Telepathy Communication between two minds at a distance with the help of emotions, thoughts and feelings.
Thermodynamics The physics of energy, heat, work, entropy and the spontaneity of processes
Toxicology The study of poisons and the effects of poisoning
Virology Study of virus.
Zoology The study of animals